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 Young Pottporus

Integration of art and culture into everyday life of youth and encouragement to find their own forms of expressing their styles - Junges Pottporus was founded in 2009 and organize dance theatre plays and projects with children, teenagers and young adults in school and out-of-school areas. Especially the HipHop culture with its disciplines like breaking, graffiti and rap is for many young people a way of life and identity-forming. Junges Pottporus specializes in introducing schools, cultural and educational institutions to urban art forms and developing concepts for long-term partnerships.


At Junges Pottporus, children, teenagers and young adults meet choreographers, dancers and artists from the urban scene and develop dance theatre pieces that deal directly with their world. The sensitization for different contemporary forms of expression, the search for and finding of their own artistic (dance) language and the mediation of professional stage work are the focus of the joint work.

In addition to dance theatre projects, Junges Pottporus with its many years of experience and interdisciplinary network of artists realizes low-threshold offers such as Urban Art AGs and workshop series, and is a partner of the state programmes Kulturrucksack NRW and Kultur und Schule.

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