Fusion of urban arts from three nations
After an exciting journey through the former industrial areas in the Ruhr area, Upper Silesia and Hauts-de-France in 2023, the Urban Arts Circle project will reach its climax with a final presentation at the OpenSpace in Bochum. Here, the end of this international collaboration will be celebrated with a wide range of hip hop live performances, graffiti, rap and DJing. Young talents and professional artists will show workshops, residencies and the cross-regional collaboration of the past year in various forms of expression.
Philemon / MC, composer & artistic director (FRA)
Mystraw / Beatboxer & Music Producer (FRA)
Camej aka Cameléon / graffiti & street artist (POL)
Błaszczu // Rapper (POL)
Wenta Ghehebriwet / Urban Dance Krump (GER)
Gelya Andryushina / Urban Dance HipHop & Freestyle (GER)
Takudzwa Madaka / Hip Hop (GER)
Young talents
Pics Joshua Hoven
A project by Pottporus with Cie Art-Track from Lille and Forum Kultur from Poznan
URBAN ARTS CIRCLE is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Pottporus e.V. brought together urban artists from the three regions of the Regional Weimar Triangle. Hip Hop from Zabrze meets rap from Dorsten, stencil art from Katowice meets graffiti from Lille... Due to Corona, the artists only met once in 2020 and everything was done via internet.
Supported by the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia