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X-mas Robot


hip hop dance theatre piece for the entire family

Christmas is coming! Even to the apartment tower at Emscherstrasse number 55. But everything is different this year: The new janitor Ülkü Öztürk and his daughter Yasemin have just moved on the twelfth floor. The old janitorKalle Gutwoski has entered his well deserved retirement and left a thick portfolio with all the janitors tasks for year around.  Changing the light bulbs, water the plants, clearing the ways in winter -  and the last bulletin on the list says in big bright red: "Organize the Christmas party for all the tenants in the basements party room!"


Ülkü Öztürk is at a loss, because he does not have any clue of how to organize a Christmas party and says to his daughter: "Yasemin, you will have to organize the party, yallah!"

Yasemin is neither interested, nor does she have any time for it. In one week time she will attend the big dance competition with her hip hop dance crew. So she quickly grabs her smartphone and asks Google: "Christmas party help ??!!"

The algorithms are running heywire. Finally a result: the x-mas robot! In just one click, Yasemin has ordered the professional Christmas helper.

"The first hip hop dance theatre piece for the entire family. For those who celebrate christmas and for those who don't. For you and me, for everybody. For us!"

Direction Jennifer Ewert Dance Souhail Jalti, Yasmin Münter Acting  Claudio Schulz-Keune Concept Zekai Fenerci Text Till Beckmann Choreographic support Christian „Robozee“ Zacharas Stage Zinnober Kreativ Agentur, Leo Namislow Costume Anna Ignatieva Support Costumes Britta Linda Wagner Light Moritz Bütow  Production management Anna-Lena Werner trailer kyopoimages

Premiere: 01.12.2019 Flottmann-Hallen Herne
Gastspiele u.a. Forum Leverkusen, Monheimer Kulturwerke, KOMMA Theater Duisburg, Kulturbahnhof Unna, Kultur Räume Gütersloh, Maschinenhaus Essen

Supported by

Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Interkultur Ruhr / RVR
Kulturinitiative Herne und Stadt Herne

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Gefördert vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.

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